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Faculty Positions
Michigan State University

Michigan State University are seekeing up to four candidates with active extramurally funded clinical and translational research programs for tenure-track positions at the Associate and Full Professor levels. Candidates with expertise ranging from molecular and cellular assessment of placental & fetal function, maternal and infant health, or outcomes research related to pregnancy and early development, or long-term implication(s) of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are encouraged to apply.  Click here for full details.

Job Vacancies in Placental and Reproductive Biology

This page serves as a marketplace to advertise jobs in placental biology both within Australasia and further abroad.  Please feel free to email any vacancies to be posted on this site to the website administrator.

Postdoctoral Position
University of Lorraine, Nancy, France

A postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Barbara Stonestreet’s laboratory at The Alpert Medical School of Brown University/Department of Pediatrics Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, Providence, RI effective February 15, 2019.

We have four funded NIH grants. Two proposals involve neuroprotective strategies in fetal sheep exposed to in utero ischemia and one on endotoxin related effects on inflammatory conditions in the fetal brain. One of our major focuses is the fetal blood-brain barrier. The other grants are in neonatal rodents exposed to hypoxia-ischemia related brain injury with a focus on neuroprotection. We are interested in understanding the effects of two neuroprotective agents on ischemia and inflammation signaling in blood-brain barrier function and on brain injury in the fetus and newborn. We have very exciting data to show that one of our neuroprotective agents has major neuroprotective effects.


The position requires MD/PhD in neuroscience/pharmacology/or  related disciplines, expertise with in vivo animal experimentation and hands-on experience with along with neuroscience expertise, familiarity with neuroscience bench work techniques including molecular biology, immunohistochemistry, cell culture, antibody, protein production and proven writing ability  (MS will be considered). Experience with surgical procedures (large animal and/or Vannucci neonatal rat models), neurobehavioral, MRI, radioactive materials, data acquisition, and statistical analysis is preferred. 


Interested parties should contact:


Barbara S. Stonestreet, M.D.

Professor of Pediatrics

The Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Staff Neonatologist

Director, Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Program

Department of Pediatrics

Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island

101 Dudley Street

Providence, RI  02905

Phone: (401) 274-1122, x 47429

Fax:     (401) 453-7571


Faculty Positions
Michigan State University

Job Vacancies in Placental and Reproductive Biology

This page serves as a marketplace to advertise jobs in placental biology both within Australasia and further abroad.  Please feel free to email any vacancies to be posted on this site to the website administrator.

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