Australian and New Zealand Placental Research Association
1. Name
The association shall be known as the Australian and New Zealand Placental Research Association, hereafter called ANZPRA or the Association.
2. Objectives
ANZPRA is a regional placental research organisation representing Australia, New Zealand and all other countries of the Indo-Pacific Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere, as described in the Constitution of the International Federation of Placental Associations (see item 4.1).
ANZPRA is a non-profit scientific organisation. The official address of ANZPRA is that of the elected President.
The aims of ANZPRA are:
to facilitate all aspects of placental research, including relationships between placenta, mother/birth parent and fetus. Topics of interest include placental development, structure, physiology, metabolism, endocrinology, microbiology, pathology, immunology, pharmacology, cell biology and biochemistry
to provide a multidisciplinary scientific forum for researchers interested in placental studies
to provide, where appropriate, a formal association for the representation of members’ interests in relation to governments, granting institutions and private organisations.
The aims will be carried out through:
facilitating contact between any persons or groups interested in any aspect of placental research. ANZPRA will cooperate with other scientific organisations with related interests
assisting any such group or persons with the aid of speakers or educational and scientific material
organising conferences or teaching programs in conjunction with any appropriate organisation anywhere in the world or, if necessary, organising such activities independently
making any publications, either in combination with other organisations or independently, as may be needed.
3. Membership and committees
The constituted bodies of ANZPRA are the Executive Committee and the General Assembly.
Membership is open to any person based within the ANZPRA designated region with a bona fide interest in placental research.
Application for Emeritus or retired membership shall be considered by the Executive Committee upon receipt of a submission by an existing ordinary member, and determined by simple majority vote.
All members (including retired members and honorary members) will have equal voting and other rights. All individual members of the General Assembly participating in the ANZPRA General Business Meeting are voting members.
ANZPRA may bestow honorary fellowship on living persons who have made major contributions to placental studies. No more than six honorary fellows may exist at any one time. A proposal for Honorary Fellowship in the form of a written application from an existing member must be voted on by the General Assembly and passed by simple majority vote.
All members will have equal voting and other rights.
3.2 Administration, officers and transaction of business
The general business of ANZPRA will be conducted in English.
The administration of ANZPRA and further tasks of the association are delegated to the Executive Committee. The ANZPRA Executive Committee will consist of:
a) officers b) members
The Officers of the Executive Committee will be as follows:
a) President
The President holds office for four years and presides over the Meetings of the Executive Committee and General Assembly (Business Meetings). The President will have general charge and supervision of the business and affairs of the Association and will guide the Executive Committee in matters of policy. The President shall submit a report to members at least once every year. In addition, they shall arrange to have the finances of the Society audited whenever an incoming Treasurer is placed in Office. In their absence the Secretary, or failing that, the Treasurer, or failing that, another member of the Executive Committee will act in their stead. The President is eligible for re-election to the same office.
b) Secretary
The Secretary holds office for four years, and has the role of coordinating the various working activities of ANZPRA. The secretary is eligible for re-election to this office. The Secretary shall work closely with the President to expedite decisions taken by Executive Committee. The Secretary shall attend and keep the minutes of all meetings of ANZPRA and of the Executive Committee and shall prepare a list of items that need attention for use by the President in the preparation of agendas. They shall have charge of such books, documents, and papers as the Executive Committee may determine. They shall be responsible for a mailing list of individuals, a list of committees and its members and for correspondence with all member organisations, unless these duties are delegated to a Membership Coordinator.
c) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and securities of ANZPRA, subject to the regulations as may be imposed by the Executive Committee. They shall keep the financial records of ANZPRA and shall enter therein full and accurate accounts of all monies received or paid or obligations incurred on account of ANZPRA. They shall exhibit such records at all reasonable times to any member of ANZPRA on application of such member to the office of the Treasurer. The Treasurer will be responsible for billing and collection of dues from members.
d) Past presidents
A past President will continue to hold office as a member of Executive Committee for two years after ceasing to be President.
e) General members.
In addition to the Officers of the Executive Committee, two general members will be elected at a general business meeting and will serve on the Executive Committee. One of these general members will hold the post of membership officer. General members hold office for 4 years, and are eligible for re-election to office.
f) Early career researcher (ECR) representative.
One early career representative (ECR; ≤3 years post-PhD) will be elected and will serve on the Executive Committee. The ECR representative will hold office for 2 years, and is eligible for re-election to office (if within 5 years post-PhD). In the event that one of the general members is an ECR they can hold the portfolio of the ECR representative. If none of the general members are <3 years post-PhD this position must be filled via election.
g) Student representative
One student representative (Research Higher Degree), will be elected and will serve on the Executive Committee. The student representative will hold office for 2 years, but is not eligible for re-election to office as the student representative.
The Executive Committee may appoint Boards or Committees with assistant secretaries and/or Convenors (who need not be members of Executive Committee) for specific purposes (such as liaison with other organisations, to arrange meetings or to perform specific administrative or investigative tasks) as may be deemed appropriate for a duration of no more than four years.
The Executive Committee may co-opt additional persons to the membership of Executive Committee for specific purposes for durations not exceeding one year, but reappointment is permitted (for example social media or membership officer).
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every year, usually at the time of the Society for Reproductive Biology Meeting.
Extraordinary meetings of Executive Committee may be called by the President at any time at the written request of any member of Executive Committee to deal with such business as may arise from time to time and which cannot be deferred until the next meeting of Executive Committee. Such extraordinary meetings may be conducted electronically or in person as deemed appropriate.
Officers and Executive Committee members may not receive a salary or other forms of remuneration from the Association.
Retiring Officers may serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee for at least two years to assist in the transition of leadership.
3.3 General assembly
The General Assembly consists of all ANZPRA Members participating in the Business Meeting. The decision of the General Assembly is final on all matters concerning aims and policy of ANZPRA. Unless stated otherwise in the bylaws, all decisions in the General Assembly will be taken by simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the President will have the casting vote.
The General Assembly may overrule the Executive Committee in every matter with a two-thirds majority vote.
A Business Meeting of the General Assembly will be held during each Annual Meeting of ANZPRA. The Business Meeting will be chaired by the President. The Secretary will preside in the absence of the President, or failing this, the Treasurer or another member of the Executive Committee.
3.4 Election procedures
Officers and additional members of Executive Committee are to be elected by those members attending the next Annual Business Meeting after their term of office, and will be elected by a simple majority at the Annual Business Meeting. In the event of a voting deadlock the President (or chairperson of the meeting) will have a casting vote.
3.5 Quorums for business
For Meetings of the General Assembly, ten members will constitute a quorum.
For Meetings of the Executive Committee three members will constitute a quorum, provided that more than one Officer is present.
4. Financial matters
The fiscal year of ANZPRA shall begin on the 1st day of January in each year and shall end on the 31st day of December following.
Funds made available to ANZPRA will be paid to the ANZPRA's bank account and may be used to cover expenses of administration and organisation of future and current ANZPRA meetings.
The Treasurer will make such payments as are necessary to meet the costs of the administration of the Executive Committee and of the preparation of the Meetings of the General Assembly. The Treasurer will reimburse legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of ANZPRA. All expense repayments must be approved by the President.
The Treasurer will present a properly audited account at each meeting of the Executive Committee (however, no more than once a year) and at each Business Meeting of the General Assembly together with a budget for the next respective period.
The Executive Committee may propose the introduction of, or change to, membership fees as is thought necessary. Such changes require approval by a simple majority vote at a Business Meeting of the General Assembly following communication of the proposed changes to Members three months prior to the General Meeting.
ANZPRA is a non-profit scientific organisation.
5. Affiliations
5.1 International Federation of Placental Associations
ANZPRA is a member organisation of the International Federation of Placental Associations, hereafter called IFPA.
Members of ANZPRA are also members of IFPA. Registration details of each ANZPRA member will be forwarded to IFPA, unless a request to the contrary is expressed.
In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of IFPA, ANZPRA may have four Members of the Executive Committee of IFPA. These shall be:
a) The President of ANZPRA or their nominee.
b) Three Members of ANZPRA elected by the Executive Committee of ANZPRA.
5.2 Other affiliations
ANZPRA will be affiliated with the Society for Reproductive Biology or any other society or organisation that the Executive Committee determines is appropriate.
6. Changes to the constitution
The Executive Committee can propose changes to the bylaws to the General Assembly. These can be approved by a simple majority vote at a General Business Meeting provided the proposed changes have been communicated to the members at least one month prior to the meeting.
7. Dissolution
If at any time ANZPRA ceases to function and does not hold a meeting for five years, or a motion to dissolve is passed at a General Assembly Business Meeting of the Association by two thirds majority vote, ANZPRA will be dissolved, its bank accounts closed and any assets that the Association may hold will be divided into two halves, with one half presented to the Society for Reproductive Biology, and the other half presented to the International Federation of Placenta Associations.